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Install LDAP Extension on php-apache Docker Image

FROM php:7.3.28-apache

RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y libldap2-dev

RUN docker-php-ext-configure ldap --with-libdir=lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
RUN docker-php-ext-install ldap

Unknown (2022-08-13 20:58:08)
#docker #ldap #php


Connect PHPMyAdmin to Remote MySQL with Docker

docker run --name phpmyadmin -d -e PMA_HOST=remote-host -p 8080:80 phpmyadmin  

Unknown (2022-08-13 20:58:46)
#docker #mysql #phpmyadmin


By default, any Docker Container may consume as much of the hardware such as CPU and RAM. If you are running multiple containers on the same host you should limit how much memory they can consume.

-m "300M" --memory-swap "1G"  

If you need to change the uid/gid of the user you can use:

RUN groupmod -g 999 node && usermod -u 999 -g 999 node  

At the end, set the user to use when running this image

USER node  

When creating an image, you can bypass the package.json's start command and bake it directly into the image itself. First off this reduces the number of processes running inside of your container. Secondly it causes exit signals such as SIGTERM and SIGINT to be received by the Node.js process instead of npm swallowing them.

CMD ["node","index.js"]  

Unknown (2023-08-31 17:24:50)


Docker Secrets (Swarm)

docker secret create secret_name secret_value  
docker secret inspect secret_name
docker secret ls

Docker Secrets kullanım amaçlarından birisi de containerlar ile credentials arasında soyutlama sağlamaktadır. Key-Value gibi çalışan bu sistemde docker secret create [isim] [saklanacak_bilgi] komutu ile gerekli bilgiyi bir referans ismi ataması gerçekleştirerek kripte edilmiş bir vaziyette “Raft logları” arasında tutmaktadır.


Unknown (2022-08-13 20:58:28)


Error Message:

configure: error: Unable to detect ICU prefix or no failed. Please verify ICU install prefix and make sure icu-config works  

Install libicu-dev package for "php:5.6.40-apache-jessie" image.

Unknown (2022-08-13 21:11:14)


Encountered this error on m1 mbp

Error Message:

=> ERROR [internal] load metadata for 0.9s
> [internal] load metadata for
failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: no match for platform in manifest sha256:5a43f...ba648: not found

Add --platform flag to pull right images

docker build -t imagename --platform linux/amd64 .  

Unknown (2022-08-13 20:59:00)