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The Ten Commandments of Rational Debate / Rasyonel Tartismanin On Emri

1- Thou shall not attack the person's character, but the argument itself. ("Ad hominem")
1- Sahsin kigiligine saldirmayacaksin, onun yalnizca argümanina karsi geleceksin. ("Ad hominem")

2- Thou shall not misrepresent or exaggerate a person's argument In order to make them easier to attack. ("Straw Man Fallacy")
2- Daha kolay karsi gelmek maksadiyla sahsin argümanini yanlis temsil etmeyeceksin veya abartmayacaksin. (Korkuluk Safsatasi)

3- Thou shall not use small numbers to represent the whole. ("Hasty Generalization')
3- Bütünü temsil etsin diye az sayida örnekten hareket etmeyeceksin. ("Aceleci Genelleme")

4- Thou shall not argue thy position by assuming one of its premises is true. ("Begging the Question")
4- Öncüllerinden birinin dogru oldugunu varsayarak kendi pozisyonun için argüman üretmeyeceksin. ("Döngüsellik")

5- Thou shall not claim that because something occurred before, it must be the cause. ("Post Hoc/False Cause)
5- Bir sey daha önce oldu dive bunun neden olmasi gerektigini iddia etmeyeceksin. ("Post hoc Neden, Yanlis Neden")

6- Thou shall not reduce the argument down to two possibilities. ("False Dichotomy")
6- Argüman iki olanaga indirgemeyeceksin. ("Sahte ikilem")

7- Thou shall not argue that because of our ignorance, claim must be true or false ("Ad Ignorantiam")
7- Sen bilmiyorsun diye bir iddianin dogru veya yanlis olmasi gerektigini savunmayacaksin. ("Bilgisizlik/Cehalet")

8- Thou shall not lay the burden of proof onto him that is questioning the claim ("Burden of Proof Reversal")
8- Ispat yükümlülügünü, iddiayi sorgulayana yüklemeyeceksin. ("Ispat Yükümlülügünü Tersine Çevirme")

9- Thou shall not assume "this" follows "that," when "it" has no logical connection. ("Non Sequitur")
9- Eger aralarinda mantiksal bag yok ise "bunun" "sundan" türedigini varsaymayacaksin. ("Türemezlik")

10- Thou shall not claim that because a premises is popular, therefore, it must be true. ("Bandwagon Fallacy")
10- Oncüller popüler diye dogru olmasi gerektigini savunmayacaksin. ("Genel Kani Safsatasi")

çeviri: Kaan H. Ökten

ChatGPT Comments:
1- Focus on addressing the substance of the argument rather than resorting to personal attacks or ad hominem reasoning.
2- Represent your opponent's viewpoint fairly and accurately.
3- Avoid cherry-picking data or using isolated examples to generalize an entire group or situation.
4- When debating, make sure to back up your claims with evidence and reasoning rather than assuming what you're trying to prove.
5- Correlation does not necessarily imply causation. Be cautious of assuming causation without proper evidence.
6- Avoid falling into the false dilemma or black-and-white thinking trap. Consider that there might be more than two options.
7- Lack of evidence does not prove or disprove a claim. Acknowledge when you don't have enough information to reach a conclusion.
8- The burden of proof lies with the person making a positive claim. The burden should not be shifted to the opponent.
9- Make sure there is a valid and logical connection between premises and conclusions.
10- The popularity of an idea or belief does not determine its truth value. Evaluate arguments based on their merits, not popularity.

Kaan H. Ökten - Twitter (2020-08-05 11:22:07)
#chatgpt #philosophy #rationaldebate