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set number! -> unset line numbers

move cursor to
next word: w
previous word: b

delete a word: daw
delete a letter: dw

undo the last change: u

print file name -> :pwd
save as -> :w filename
insert mode with new line: o

Unknown (2023-08-10 22:52:23)


Vim Encryption

For new file:

vim -x mynewfile  
opens a prompt and enter the encryption key twice. and done.

For existing file

opens a prompt and enter the encryption key twice. and done.

Disable encryption

:set key=  

Unknown (2023-08-10 23:15:59)


  • This command will ng whitespace. To not delete lines containialso delete lines containing only whitespace, you can use \W, which means "zero or more whitespace characters.": :g/^\W$/d

  • This command deletes any line containing only zero or more whitespace characters. Lines that contain any other type of character are not deleted.

  • ^, $, *, and \W are special metacharacters used in regular expressions.

  • Add every beginning of lines "//" :%s!^!//!

  • V select current line

  • d cut

  • y copy

  • Paste before cursor: P; paste after cursor: p

  • H, 0 start of line

  • gg start of document

  • G end of document

  • $ end of line

  • :syntax off

  • :set number

  • sort and remote duplicate lines: :sort u

  • Write commands in this file to run on each time: home/${whoami}/.vimrc

  • :,666d -> delete lines from current 666th line.




  • For the entire file 'g', search(/) for lines containing only the beginning '^' and ending '$' of a line, and delete 'd' those lines:


Unknown (2022-08-13 21:07:49)