Delete Google Chrome's Auto Redirection
- Go to this URL: chrome://net-internals/#hsts
- Enter your domain: "Delete domain security policies"
- Click the Delete button
Unknown (2023-09-25 14:32:17)
phpMyAdmin Custom Config
config.user.inc.php file -> /etc/phpmyadmin/config.user.inc.php
$cfg['Servers'] = [
1 => [
'auth_type' => 'config',
'user' => 'USER',
'password' => 'PASSWORD'
Unknown (2023-09-22 09:43:09)
Always consider the complexity you are bringing with introduction of a Distributed System. Sometimes it is better to just use traditional frameworks.
Linkedin (2023-09-21 23:58:13)
"Exit Code" > 0 means something's wrong.
Unknown (2023-09-14 21:44:49)
Autocomplete on AJAX Requests
Browser does not allow to use autocomplete on values which access by AJAX request
iCloud Path
iCloud path: /Users/username/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs
Block Javascript
is for browsers which block javascript
Unknown (2022-08-13 21:08:23)
#ajax #autocomplete #browser #icloud
What is throughput? Throughput is a way to measure the amount of work this service is handling. It measures how many requests are being processed per minute.
New Relic (2023-09-14 20:56:53)
When you get "sh: Operation not permitted" error while trying to run shell script on cron https://osxdaily.com/2020/04/27/fix-cron-permissions-macos-full-disk-access/
Unknown (2022-08-13 21:10:58)
NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider next build && next export
Unknown (2022-08-13 21:11:34)
Block anything except zip files in .htaccess file
Deny from all
<FilesMatch "\.(zip)$">
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
Unknown (2022-08-13 21:08:42)
Block all access other than .php, .js, .css extension
<FilesMatch "\.(?!php|js|css)[^.]+$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Unknown (2023-08-22 21:07:14)
DRY needs to stop.
It's one of the worst programming advice out there.
It's true. You shouldn't repeat extremely core parts of business logic.
BUT--you shouldn't extract every single line of code that looks similar into a reusable function either. Unfortunately, this is the way it's usually taught.
That's just going to lead to poor abstractions.
Check out:
• Sandi Metz - The wrong abstraction
• Kent C Dodds - AHA (Avoid hasty abstractions)
• Dan Abramov - The WET codebase (Write everything twice)
Before extracting logic, remember: No abstraction > the wrong abstraction
Jordan Cutler - Linkedin (2023-08-18 12:46:16)
Exit code 137 occurs when a process is terminated because it's using too much memory.
Unknown (2023-08-14 20:16:06)
HTTP status codes
1xx hold on
2xx here you go
3xx go away
4xx you screwed up
5xx i screwed up
David Somerville (2023-08-10 23:18:52)
#funny #http
Shows content of file with cURL
curl file:///home/ec2-user/bla-bla
Unknown (2023-08-10 22:47:06)
Stress Command
stress --cpu 2 --timeout 60
Unknown (2023-08-10 22:45:50)
Build for linux on macos
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o notification
Unknown (2022-08-13 21:08:51)
Using mkdocs
pip3 install mkdocs
mkdocs build
mkdocs serve
docs_dir: mdfiles # documents
site_dir: docs # build output
site_name: sitename
site_url: https://example.com
- Home: 'index.md'
theme: readthedocs
Unknown (2022-08-13 21:11:52)
Udemy API
Unknown (2022-08-13 21:09:52)