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Enable slowlog

Add to your custom "www.conf"

slowlog = /var/log/php-fpm/www.log  
request_slowlog_timeout = 30s

Unknown (2023-09-25 15:47:47)


Log Fatal Errors to Different Log File

Change these fields in php.ini file:

log_errors = on  
error_reporting = E_ERROR
error_log = /path/to/file


Unknown (2022-08-13 21:05:22)


cURL: Not async


cURL: Async

exec('curl > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &');  

You can see running processes with "ps -ef"

Unknown (2023-09-07 12:09:40)
#curl #php


Modifying PHP-FPM Access Log Format

access.format = "[%t] %m %{REQUEST_SCHEME}e://%{HTTP_HOST}e%{REQUEST_URI}e pid:%p took:%ds mem:%{mega}Mmb cpu:%C%% status:%s {%{REMOTE_ADDR}e|%{HTTP_USER_AGENT}e}"  

Unknown (2023-08-15 22:11:48)


Fix: PHP7.1-FPM + Apache "Gateway Timeout"

Add Timeout 600 this statement to global conf.

Fix: PHP7.4-FPM + Apache "Gateway Timeout 504"

Add timeout=600 this statement to end of ProxyPassMatch line's

Unknown (2023-08-17 17:11:26)


Using getenv() and putenv() is strongly discouraged due to the fact that these functions are not thread safe, however it is still possible to instruct PHP dotenv to use these functions.

Unknown (2022-08-13 21:08:33)


Run composer commands on disposable Docker container

docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD:/app composer  

Unknown (2022-08-13 21:05:33)