📄️ Accessing SecretsManager from Lambda Function in a VPC
- Set up VPC configuration for Lambda Function
📄️ Managing PHP Sessions with DynamoDB
Install AWS SDK
📄️ Send Docker Images to AWS ECR
Necessary permissions
📄️ Elasticbeanstalk PHP Environment
Use exist security group
📄️ Accessing RDS from Lambda
1. Assume that you have an RDS
📄️ Lambda Function Container Image: PHP
Complete guide is here//github.com/aws-samples/php-examples-for-aws-lambda/tree/master/0.7-PHP-Lambda-functions-with-Docker-container-images
📄️ Lambda Function Container Image: Python
📄️ Lambda Function Container Image with S3 Trigger
Probably won't work directly. Just to give an idea.
📄️ permissions
IP Based Authorization
📄️ uncategorized
The size of a volume can only be increased, not decreased.